Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Summer Reading Project Play Program English - 1517 Words

Morgan Dickey February 17, 2015 Summer Reading Project: Play Program English 1 Period 1 Chapter 1 Life as We Knew It is about a family and the struggles they face after an asteroid hits the moon and gets knocked out of orbit. The book starts with Miranda; the main character writing in her journal which she does the whole book. Miranda has two brothers Matt and Jonny. She looks up to Matt as a hero. In the first chapter Matt is away at college but he decides to come home so he can be with his family before asteroid his the moon. Chapter 2 In this chapter people in the town throw party’s waiting for the event. Matt has predicted that something bad will happen he still is at college in Ithaca, New York. When the asteroid hits the moon it is tilted a  ¾ and the moon looks much bigger from Earth. People start to scream and pray and the cell phones stop working so everybody has to use pay phones causing the phone lines to get tied up. The asteroid also caused the internet connection and cable to stop working. There have also been reports of widespread tsunamis and massive flooding over the Eastern Seaboard. There also have been 20 foot high tidal waves in Manhattan. The Statue of Liberty was washed out and Cape Cod is completely submerged. Chapter 3 In chapter three there was a thunderstorm at Miranda’s school. Lightning lit up the classrooms and thunder shook the whole school. A lightning bolt hit a tree outside the school it caught on fire and the power went outShow MoreRelatedLearning English As A Fine Language1647 Words   |  7 PagesLearning English as a fine Language –EFL About the course Concentrating on communication abilities with emphasis on speaking and listening, to improve your general skill to access higher level courses; to improve your English for everyday use; to improve your English for travel; to improve your English for work purposes or to do casual work in an English speaking country. 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